Posts by Jennifer Woodford (Page 3)
We Are Blessed with a New Pastor
Church Information
If you need access to the online church directory, contact Steve Horton. If you need information placed in the weekly bulletin, contact Carmen Osborne by noon each Friday. You can reach both of them at
Ladies Conference
Friday, January 27 from 5:30 to 9 pm and Saturday, January 28 from 8:30 to 3, Hillcrest Baptist Church in Galax is hosting a women’s conference featuring three speakers representing different mission organizations and plenty of refreshments. For more information visit the Hillcrest Baptist Facebook page or reach out to Clara Horton.
Desserts Needed
A fundraising dinner is planned to benefit Carolyn Beamer at neighboring church Skyline Baptist. Our church is providing are asked to provide desserts. Anyone who can bake something is asked to bring it to the church by noon on Saturday, January 21.
Build Shoe Boxes
Saturday, January 28, a total of 15 seats are available for volunteers to travel to Charlotte, NC to the Operation Christmas Child warehouse to build shoeboxes. Volunteers must be 13 or older. Contact Steve Horton to sign up or get more information. You can also email
Wednesdays on January
Wednesday Bible Study resumes at 7 pm on January 4. Volunteers are needed to come at 6 pm and help put away the Christmas decorations in the sanctuary. Children’s and youth Wednesday activities kick off again on January 11 at 7 pm.