Sermons from February 2023
God Calls Big Hearted, Everyday People February 26, 2023
Using the example of missionary Henry Whitfield and scripture, Pastor Paul Perkins illustrates how God calls and equips everyday people with big hearts to share His word and to bring people to Him.
The Great Commission February 19, 2023
Matthew 28:19-20 is known as the Great Commission. God calls all believers to be part of fulfilling it. Pastor Paul Perkins explains exactly what God asks of his believers in terms of the Great Commission and helps the congregation prepare to reach out to the community around the church.
The Holiness of God February 5, 2023
Pastor Paul J. Perkins discusses the Holiness of God by diving into several scriptures (Isaiah 6:1-8; 1Timothy 2:5, 1John 1:6-9; Revelation 4:6-8). The scripture brings to life God’s character and how significantly different it is than ours. That difference defines his Holiness and the importance of Christ. Meet Pastor Perkins.